ICSExample Files

Last Modified: 7/Sep/2003
Total: 14 list items

      This page contains components and small applications to serve as examples of the ICS components. In most cases they show a possible solution to common functions.

      The list is sorted in alphabetical order, and it does not reflect any particular endorsement by the owner of this site. For more information about the examples, please contact Wilfried Mestdagh at:


      For more information about the ICS components or its author, François Piette, please visit the official OverByte page at:


Example Files
Name: BroadCast.zip
Size: 3 KB
Modified: 01-May-2001
  2 examples that show how to send a broadcast, and how a receiver of a UDP message can send something back.
Name: CiaBuffer
Size: 3 KB
Modified: 28-Sep-2001
  A component designed to receive binary streams where the first 4 bytes are the length of the stream. When a complete stream is received then an event is fired. There you can get the complete received data without the first 4 bytes containing the length. It is optimized for speed. It will allocate memory when needed and reuses it. Only pointers are moving. Example on how to use it is in top of source file.
Name: hexman.html
Size: 3 KB
Modified: 30-Jun-2001
  A little article that explains wy machine language as well as hexadecimal notation is natural. dZ has written this, I like it.
Name: PerfectPC.jpg
Size: 42 KB
Modified: 18-Apr-2001
  You need this thing if you want to expand your knowledge to get to the ground of perfect programming.
Name: PerformanceTest.zip
Size: 4 KB
Modified: 15-Mar-2001
  Its a client and a server performance test. When the client connects it tries to deliver as much data as possible to the server. It demonstrates also how to transfer large amounts of data.
Name: PingThread.zip
Size: 2 KB
Modified: 24-Mar-2001
  demonstrates how to use TPing in a thread, how to create and use a message queue in a thread and how you can post messages to it.
Name: Pop3.zip
Size: 2 KB
Modified: 11-May-2001
  Shows how to write an automated POP3 client.
Name: ReEnterTest.zip
Size: 2 KB
Modified: 1-Jul-2001
  Shows what exacly happens if you use the message pump in an event.
Name: SendFile.zip
Size: 6 KB
Modified: 20-Jul-2001
  Demonstrates how to send and receive a file with TWSocket. There are 2 projects in it SendFile as client, and RcvFile as a server. The client connects, send some information about the file and start sending. When the server has received the whole file it ackowledge it to the client wich then closes the connection. Thanks to François Piette to make this demo compatible with all Delphi versions
Name: Server test
Size: 5 KB
Modified: 7-Sep-2003
  A TCP client that creates lots of simultanous sessions to a server. After logging on all sessions send a packet to the server at specified intervals. It was originally made as a test case for a particular server for thousands of connections. I stripped my protocol from it, and the framework may be usefull for you.
Name: Server1.zip
Size: 4 KB
Modified: 30-May-2001
  A simple server using TWSocketServer showing how to write a command interpreter and how to switch LineMode on/off if you want to receive binary data.
Name: SmtpEx.zip
Size: 2 KB
Modified: 14-Apr-2001
  Example of how to write an automated SMTP client. It has only minimum requirements and uses some combined methods which might not always the best choice.
Name: Webdemo.zip
Size: 9 KB
Modified: 01-May-2001
  HttpServer example on how to send a 401 (logon) and how to send a directory listing.
Name: Whois
Size: 11 KB
Modified: 23-Jul-2003
  Angus Robertson made this WHOIS component with ICS. It is designed to look-up internet domain registration details from public WHOIS servers.
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